Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Instead of leaving work at 6pm to attend a film preview last night, I went home instead, with a spring in my step and a curious but pleasureable sense of anticipation buzzing around inside my skull.

I have a flatmate now.

Last night saw us shop together, cook together and eat together - something I haven't done for more than six years, so it's quite a novelty. Then, while Mike fought his bedroom into an ordered state, I washed the dishes (don't tell my mum, she'd have a heart attack) before settling down to watch a few more episodes of the US TV series Heroes - showing here on Channel 7, but like most sane people I now watch episodes well in advance thanks to the internerd, with special thanks to fellow Fitzroyal, Simon, who's been supplying me with TV goodness. First Torchwood, now Heroes - where will it all end?!

While the show's dialogue is sometimes clunky, and as Mike pointed out the characters aren't always well-developed, I'm still finding the way the show unfolds, and its interconnected storyline, quite fascinating. Plus, hey, its about superheroes, so of course I'm watching it!

(Note to self - restrain from blathering about how cool the new Spiderman movie looks before you come across as sounding like a total geek.)


sublime-ation said...

Sounds nice Richard. There's only so many previews, openings etc. one can do. Hope you are over your horrible flu.

mskp said...

ooh, your new domestic situation sounds lovely. speaking of which, can we have you over to dinner soon?

before you decide, i must confess that i've hated heroes so far [only two eps]. perhaps you can talk us around...

Tim Norton said...

instead, let us discuss at great length how cool the upcoming Transformers or TMNT films look...

Evol Kween said...

Damn the new spiderman looks AWESOME!!

richardwatts said...

and yes mskp, dinner would be LOVELY!